ProcWriteBytes(gamePID, (void*)0xF6EF75, objectBypassASM, sizeof(objectBypassASM)) // 1.00: US - 0xD4A771, EU - 0xD4A781 ProcWriteBytes(gamePID, executableSpace, gtaPayload, gtaPayloadSize) ProcReadBytes(gamePID, >aVars->executableSpace, &executableSpace, sizeof(executableSpace))
Use the region checking done elsewhere in main.c to make sure you use the right address for the right region on 1.00. The current address being used (0xF6EF75) is for 1.27, but the 1.00 addresses are also listed. Replace the startExecution function inside main.c in your GTA payload with the following.
Many of these objects require visiting their original locations before you can spawn them. This allows for spawning numerous objects that couldn't previously be spawned such as buildings, sections of the map, and much more. * The following is an object bypass for GTA 1.00 and 1.27.